Friday, October 9, 2009


I was just e-mailing a friend and his family who work in Moldova with Operation Mobilisation, and was struck again by what strange lives we lead.
It’s amazing what we accept as normal after a while isn’t it? We’re so used to living onboard a ship that the thought of being in a house without any other people around is almost scary. At nights we prop bedroom doors open to stop them banging as the ship sways on the swell in the harbour, all showers are less than 3 minutes (no baths onboard), food is whatever is prepared for us, is shared with 400 other people and is always at the same time.Go too late and you go hungry. Flushing may or may not work and the water varies in colour from sparkling clear to dark brown depending on which tank/part of the system is being used; and of course our home visits 2 or three different countries each year! All this is normal for us. For our friends in Moldova normal is something totally different, yet for all of us England is more and more a foreign country.

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