Monday, February 16, 2009

6 day week

There are many parts of the Bible that are hard to live up to or understand. I've never been keen on the 'work 6 days and keep the 7th day holy' as I much prefer to just work 5! Last week though turned into a full 6 day event with two more trips to Immigration to resolve various issues on Saturday. Praise God we made progress and everyone who needed to join over the weekend got here safely and everyone who needed to leave got away safely - I couldn't ask for anything more.
Anne and the children had a walk into town with some friends and were impressed with how friendly, peaceful and well developed everything seems here - especially after doing two field serices in Liberia.
However you have to watch out for those 'zemidjans' (moped taxis) of which there are approx 80,000 in Cotonou alone! They are identified by the yellow shirts they wear and do not need to wear helmets, have licenses, training or insurance so you can imagine what it is like.
Driving is always an experience in Africa and here it really takes things to another level. I stood at a 4 way junction on Saturday for 10 minutes just watching the mopeds zoom around, showing neither fear, coordination or knowledge of any traffic laws or etiquette.

Needless to say our leadership has recommend that the crew do not use them as a form of transport!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're in our prayers for your continued safety, Clive & Tessa & Chip