Thursday, December 4, 2008

Iona's Big Day

How many of you have ever met a vice-President? Well Iona did yesterday when she was chosen to give a bouquet of flowers to the vice presidents wife! The Vice -President, along with the minister of health, USA Ambassador and numerous other high ranking officials arranged for a meal to be cooked for the crew of the AFM yesterday as their way of saying 'Thank You' for all the work we've done here in Liberia. So all 330 crew plus 50 guests sat in the dining room in our best bib and tucker (clothing) and enjoyed a meal courtesy of the Government. This was followed by a presentation of the work we've done and then by speeches from the Vice -President and others thanking us (AND YOU) for what has been achieved.

Looking back at our blog I see I forgot to mention that the President was onboard last Wednesday (26th Nov) for another event which was for us to say thank you to her and 100+ others for their assistance and partnership. Sorryo.

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