Monday, April 30, 2012

I IS FOR....

ICECREAM DAY - homemade of course - yummy; and before the comments come in yes, Nathaniel does have more than one T-shirt, but that is his favourite at the moment!


Yes I know you were expecting letter 'I' (for igloo) but the day was already planned in as being 'compound word' day where trhe children dress up to describe a compound word. Nathaniel had a small doll behind his back and was supposed to be a 'babysitter'. See if you can guess any of the others.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

H IS FOR .....

HAPPY HAT DAY - not sure they all look happy wearing them though............

G IS FOR ....

GAMES DAY - board games, card games, block games and chalk games.

Monday, April 23, 2012

F is for....

FAVOURITE BOOK OR FILM CHARACTER - Nathaniel is Denis the Menace from ye Olde Beano book :-)

E is for....

EXERCISE DAY...... swimming, running around and generally having fun at the local Seaman's centre in Togo.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

C is for.......


B is for......

BACKWARDS DAY - wear it and do it the wrong way round:-)

Alphabet Countdown

How do you count down to the end of the school year? By linking each day to a letter of the alphabet and then finding a subject matter that fits that letter. So Monday was Adventurer day. As Each day progresses we'll add any photos that we get. See if you can guess what tomorrow might be.....