Monday, February 14, 2011

Cape Town Capers

Here we are sailing into Beautiful Cape Town - see Table Mountain in the background? WOW!! We were last here in 1996 and it is still one of the most amazing places we've ever visited. Nathaniel was busy playing on his skateboard so missed the picture. Typical!

So here's the full family in the Victoria and Albert warf - yes right down on the waterfront where all the shops and restaurants are! All you need is the money and time to enjoy it all. We had just over 24hours to take it all in before heading to Sierra Leone for 10 months. Needless to say my feet ache!

So here are Nathaniel and Rob relaxing in a place called 'Scratch Patch'. A brilliant place where they recreate a cave where all the stones on the floor are polished and beautiful. You buy a small bag (ours were 15rand each - about $2) and fill it with as many as you want. A great (and cheap) souvenier.

Bye Bye Durban

As we sailed out of Durban a plane flew over and took some photos. What do you think of the new Logo and bigger web address on the side? Snazzy huh?

This is where the vehicles sit for the sail - snuggled under the swimming pool that was donated last year.
Not the most streamlined - but a VERY welcome site in West Africa :-)

A Big Bug to Bear

Thought you might like to see one of the bugs that Nathaniel caught in Appelsbosch. It was definately the biggest Beetle I've ever seen - and I hope never to see bigger!!

Now why are we glad to be back onboard? Hmh?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


After 5 months of living at 'The Bosch' as Appelsbosch College affectionately became known, we are back onboard the AFM. PRAISE GOD!

We moved on Saturday 29th and even though there were about 170 of us the move went very smoothly. Mind you I had been working 60+ hours a week for the 5 weeks prior to the move organising and setting things in place!!

We are now settling into a new (old) routine, getting used to small spaces, close community life and all that makes up life onboard the AFM. The children are back in school - but the main classroom got flooded today when a pipe burst ! Unfortunately it was right above the school library so many of the books got soaked. A real pain for the teachers who had just got it all set back up after being in Appelsbosch.

Anyway we are onboard and hoping to sail within a week to Cape Town for a very brief stop and then Sierra Leone. I have a good internet connection and so SHOULD be able to Blog a bit more often.

The generators? Well they are still being commissioned and set up. We had three power cuts today and a total black-out last night whilst pipes were adjusted and systems tweaked. Air con occasionally works as do toilets and water systems. Hey - we're just happy to be back onboard.

Thanks to all who have persevered in keeping in touch with us during my 'silent' period :-)


Rob for The Clan.

P.S. I now have a goatee beard - photos (maybe) later.........